
I’m Professor of English and Head of the Department of Humanities and Law at Bournemouth University. My research focuses on contemporary literature and text. My essay on ‘Postmodern Literary Labyrinths: Spaces of Horror Reimagined’ (available to buy as a stand alone chapter) is published in The Palgrave Handbook to Horror Literature (2018), edited by Dr Kevin Corstorphine and Dr Laura R. Kremmel I have a co-edited volume for Manchester University Press with Dr Kate Watson, entitled Tattoos in Crime and Detective Narratives: Marking and Remarking  (2019).

My current focus is working on my monograph Fiction After Modernism: Return to the Labyrinth (contracted Manchester University Press).

I have a strong record of translating Higher Education policy into strategy and practice as it relates to the Humanities. I enjoy developing and empowering the individuals and teams I work with to strive for excellence in teaching, research, administration and external engagement –  placing an emphasis on an excellent student experience.  I provide a strategic and consistent overview  of management systems (Academic Work Planning, Appraisals, Timetabling etc.) and working closely with University stakeholders to provide a clear and consistent implementation of University strategy.

My experience of curriculum design and revalidation includes reviewing the sustainability of current provision leading to the (re)development of new provision at both undergraduate and taught postgraduate level. I have overseen the development of attractive and distinctive portfolios of degrees with an applied focus –  rising student aspirations, progression and retention rates, DLHE and National Student Survey metrics in the process. I work with local and international stakeholders to develop and implement an applied curriculum and have experience of developing and implementing graduate attributes across Humanities (CMU).  I currently manage three deputies to provide academic leadership across disciplines of Law, Politics, English and History with a team of approximately 60 people.  

I have previously been Secretary and Deputy Vice-Chair of University English, the main professional body for the English subject community. My work for University English focussed on the co-ordination of the organization’s OGM, and the co-ordination and delivery of the networking event for Heads of Department and Subject Leaders at the organization’s AGM.